§ 20A-1-512. Midterm vacancies on local district boards. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Whenever a vacancy occurs on any local district board for any reason, a replacement to serve out the unexpired term shall be appointed as provided in this section by:
    (i) the local district board, if the person vacating the position was elected; or
    (ii) the appointing authority, as defined in Section 17B-1-102, if the person vacating the position was appointed.
    (b) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(c), before acting to fill the vacancy, the local district board or appointing authority shall:
    (i) give public notice of the vacancy at least two weeks before the local district board or appointing authority meets to fill the vacancy; and
    (ii) identify, in the notice:
    (A) the date, time, and place of the meeting where the vacancy will be filled; and
    (B) the person to whom a person interested in being appointed to fill the vacancy may submit his name for consideration and any deadline for submitting it.
    (c) An appointing authority is not subject to Subsection (1)(b) if the appointing authority appoints one of its own members and that member meets all applicable statutory board member qualifications.
    (2) If the local district board fails to appoint a person to complete an elected board member's term within 90 days, the legislative body of the county or municipality that created the local district shall fill the vacancy following the procedure set forth for a local district in Subsection (1)(b).
Amended by Chapter 377, 2014 General Session